Rohit's Blog

What is my Lens on Marketing?

I've always looked at Marketing as a creating or vibe emitting process.. It's sharing the narrative of what is the Story that's unfolding.. Sharing the heart and Soul.. the process and story at work, Not the absurd advertising, shoving it down people's throat most people do, with prices, discounts to lure folks in.. In and of itself I have no problem with these things, if the Soul of the thing's in place.. I guess marketing for me always has been to Put 'Soul' first..

At the end of the day Business and energy exchanges are Soul- Soul interactions.. How have we taken something so soulful and sucked out all the sanctity out of the process? It truly amazes me.. But that's us, that's humanity for you :p

One of the people I love had said something to the effect of in the end we're all stories and that's how we interact with one another.. Truer words haven't been spoken for I do believe what is the Universe if not poetry? :)

Marketing then just boils down to storytelling, telling a story that's closer to your Heart (Which in this case happens to Be you). And allow the magic of that to draw in whoever it does.. Like folks around a bonfire, the ones who want to come there, come of their own accord and stay for as long as they find the fire satiating. And leave when they like or come back again.. There's no rule to this thing.. After all, one trip to the bonfire isn't enough, We all make multiple ones on cold wintery night's don't we?

Could it be that simple? I am hoping to stand by that for as long as I do this work.. and let the beauty of it speak and draw for itself.. Sure we'll miss a lot of options and money but Hey, the Spirit is Fulfilled and Happy.. And that counts for something, in fact it counts for a heck of a lot in this world of Ours..