Rohit's Blog

The Beauty and Tragedy of More

More!. Everyone says you should be 'more', have 'more' and want 'more' and go after it. And on the surface, it feels perfectly fitting. After all, why not, right? Don't we all deserve a better quality of everything? So we keep going to one program after another, some guru, some new technology, new relationships, Lots of money. Don't get me wrong; more is not necessarily a bad thing; after all, it is our pull and calls us to evolve or improve things. It's a way marker, a pointer in that way it serves us.

I don't disagree with that basic human sense. Where does it stop, though? Let's first explore the beauty in more 1) It guides you to go after what you'd like, 2) to create more, 3) be imaginative, and 4) make new actions. There's so much upside to it. And yet there's also a tragedy of more? Do you see it? Do you know what I am getting at?

Well, it's hard not to, actually, everywhere someone or the other is selling to you. About how your life should get better, how you should buy and be more spiritually, physically, emotionally, heck, even mentally and relationally. That's the tragedy, though, with that basic lalach (In Hindi, there's a term which roughly translates to temptation or greed) they have you on the ropes of a never-ending goose chase. With that impetus and dangling a carrot of better status, financially standing out, most products are sold. Sadly, I feel this is used to exploit our often insecurities, our weak points, and the things we deeply struggle about. No one gives a shit about your inner life, what you have dealt with, what your journey's been, how you really feel like inside. And in this process of chasing more, we lose our authentic Hearts. That want To relax, ease up, validate our Truth and See us for beautiful we truly are. It sets up a false expectation that life must always look like some desire-filling mission and that there is a standard or norm, we must all be at.

But whatever happened to the sacredness of being alive in the process? The fact is that life is and will always be a mixed bag. There will always be gaps that drive us to find a more profound love and a widening of spirit. That contentment and fulfilment is probably our most important way to master and practice. I am not saying we should all let go of our 'mores. We need to learn to have a healthy balanced discernment around what might help and what may not. Let us remember that regardless of how far we've come technologically, we're still stuck when it comes to the bare basics as a species. We still crave love, attention, well-being and companionship. We all deeply desire community and being seen. Any amount of 'more' has not been able to wipe out basic human instincts.

For more money, friends, or to sound and look spiritually well put together, we sell our spirit, and then even if we have more, we've lost something much more vital in the process. Our sense of who we are, our deepest gift of Heart which I'd argue is the very reason we're all here in the first place.